Acts Inspired International Ministries

I sense such a great move of the Holy Spirit in the earth realm today. I personally believe that we as believers are coming upon our final hours of the church. There is such a release of Kingdom reformation by the Holy Spirit unto the body of Christ. In this hour God is selecting a remnant of believers who count their lives but dung for the Excellency of Christ. A people who are pressing into the kingdom of God with force by having an ear to hear what the spirit is saying unto the church and are willing to speak it without hesitation.

Many of us know that God is up to something and that He is revitalizing/invigorating the body to build the church according the pattern that he revealed unto His Apostles in the book of Acts. The pattern was inspired to build upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets as written in (Ephesians 2:20). Once we begin to build according to how it is revealed in the scriptures I believe that the church will experience such a Kingdom of God in the midst like we have not seen in times past.

In moving about the nation and parts of the world I have found that many ministries desire to be apart of such a move of the Holy Spirit in this hour. There are many in the nation and world wanting to covenant with others who have like passion for such a move of God and have an understanding of the Pattern to receive the blessing that comes from God through His son Jesus.

God has spoken to me to pioneer a covenant ministry that would minister to the needs that are confronting the Body of Christ in this hour. This work can only be done through apostolic identification and reformation. God told me there will be independent churches that I would come in contact with who would need covering. I am to provide this covering to them who are led by the Spirit of God to be in covenant. God also said those who connect will experience an anointing on their ministry from this covenant relationship. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; 12; Isaiah 30:17)

Acts Inspired International Ministries (A.I.I.M.) is looking unto Jesus to set up the church the way God had preordained it to be since the start of the early church in 1 A.D. There is an Apostolic mandate on A.I.I.M. to push ministries into their God given destiny by helping them cultivate the vision God has given them for their house and by the covenant of other ministries that are working together. We must understand the strength of any Church is the order and the emphasis on Evangelism.

I pray that you would take a moment to read the purpose and the vision of A.I.I.M. This impartation from the Father of the Heavens and the King of Kingdoms is in its genesis. So to help this ministry become a greater reality within your region I ask that you prayerfully consider the covenant by the leading of the Holy Spirit.


To provide a sense of covering and accountability and for the rejuvenation and refreshing of pastors and leaders; and to give each pastor a sense of connection within the larger Body of Christ. To impart into pastors a strong emphasis on the word, excellence, spiritual growth, ministry, evangelism and healthy family development.


Provide apostolic covering and empowerment for like-minded pastors of diverse backgrounds who are inspired by the Spirit to be in covenant.
Build covenant relationships that offer accountability for the strengthening of ministries.
Establish a fellowship of apostolic churches, which manifest the Kingdom of God and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone.

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