Acts Inspired International Ministries

Covenant Essentials

It is the belief of A.I.I.M. that every local church is an autonomous ministry. That means that each local church

 is to be self-governing and self-sustaining. In lieu of this, A.I.I.M. is committed to providing the necessary 

support to ensure the sustaining of covenant members to do the work of ministry in their region. 

An advisory council for resolving doctrinal disputes
The advisory council will address all doctrinal issues according to scriptural guidelines and respond accordingly. The ultimate end to all doctrinal disputes that may arise within a local church or ministry gift is to gain complete biblical understanding through the demonstration of love.
An advisory council for disciplinary issues
The advisory council will address all disciplinary issues according to scriptural guidelines and respond accordingly. The ultimate end to all adverse circumstances that may arise within a local church or ministry gift is the complete restoration of its members to their full statue in Christ.
Prayerful Support
Realizing that pastors are always confronted with circumstances seen and unseen, there is a strong need for continual prayer on their behalf. A.I.I.M. will offer a prayer covering to under-gird its covenant members with needful intercession that pastors and ministries remain strong, relevant and victorious.
Spiritual Support
Because of the tremendous spiritual attacks from the enemy, it is essential that the necessary spiritual support be in place to strengthen pastors and local churches spiritually. This type of support constitutes prayer and fasting. It also involves counseling, personal deliverance and whatever spiritual impartation is necessary to restore and nurture covenant members back to a point of strength. This support may also involve sending covenant members within the fellowship to oversee a ministry until restoration of the set ministry gift is complete.
Financial Support
A situation may present itself where a covenant member of A.I.I.M. will reach out to the fellowship for financial assistance do to financial distress or a ministry endeavor. A.I.I.M. is not a bank or financial institution where we have money to lend, but if we can assist a covenant member at a point of need and the advisory council deems it feasible to support such covenant members with financial assistance, A.I.I.M. is committed to do so.
Provide Ordination and Installation
Ordination is the highest honor and recommendation that the church can bestow upon one called to the gospel ministry. Not only is one to be qualified and able to preach a good sermon, but more important, we desire to recommend one to the world as being fully prepared and able to represent the Lord’s Church. The purpose of ordination is this: those who are engaged in pastoral work or work as assistants; evangelists who are in prison or hospital work whose duties may bring them before authorities in their line of duty should be ordained. So, not only pastors who minister various ordinances such as baptism, the Lord’s Supper, marriage, and funerals, etc., also those who are sent out by the church in capacities of authority in evangelizing and representing the gospel and the church. A.I.I.M. offers ordination and installation of pastors for covenant members.
Leadership & Ministry Training
These meetings are primarily designed for the purpose of teaching and imparting biblical truths to keep ministries equipped and relevant in this present age. These trainings are designed for those in active ministry (five-fold), church staff members, and other leaders who desire to be further equipped for Kingdom work.
Regional and Annual conferences in United States and International
In order to touch each covenant member and minister in a more personal and meaningful way, the Fellowship has been divided into geographical regions. Regions have been established in the United States and internationally. These conferences are designed for those in active ministry (five-fold), church staff members, and other leaders who desire to be further equipped for Kingdom work.

Members will also receive:

  • An official, ready-to-frame A.I.I.M. membership certificate
  • An official, laminated wallet-size membership card
  • The opportunity to belong to a fellowship that takes you from being in the ministry alone to joining with a group of like minded pastors who seek to follow and serve God in this day and age.